Kiss kiss bang bang

By carefully planning an emotional impact, you will ensure that your online corporate video achieves scale.

A still from the recent viral video by Volvo Trucks, The Epic Split featuring Van Damme

What do media psychologists have to say about the emotional impact and creation of video communication? Let us start with the basics. In order to get an idea of what the emotional impact of video could be, and to find out how to create moving pictures that efficiently address emotions, one question has to first be clarified: what are emotions? Then we can go into more detail by asking: what is best for achieving maximum emotional effect – realistic and real life video narrations or fictional and more fantastic clips? Is there a rule which states that if it’s real, you feel? Or is a highly emotional video message experienced as more realistic and affects people more intensely?

Frank Schwab

Professor Dr Frank Schwab holds the chair of media psychology at the Institute of Human Computer Media at the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg, Germany, where he teaches at the department of media and communication while researching the emotional effects of media and media for evolutionary psychology.

Astrid Carolus

Dr Astrid Carolus has worked as a researcher in media and organisational psychology at Saarland University, Germany. She is currently a researcher at the department of media psychology at the Julius Maximilians University Würzburg and works as a business psychology consultant.