Chiara Valentini


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Chiara Valentini

Chiara Valentini is professor of corporate communication at Jyvaskyla University School of Business and Economics. She has also worked for and consulted organisations and public institutions of several countries, including the Italian Representation of the European Commission in Rome and the European Movement International Secretariat in Brussels.

Companies that understand their success depends on the well-being of society are using communciations to mix values with business

Despite recurrent reputational crises that seem to indicate a lack of attention to societal values, such as the recent Volkswagen case, there are corporations that have started investing in what we call ‘value communication’.


You wouldn't believe how these companies are messing up on social media

In the past decade we have witnessed an enormous growth in the use of social media. Also organisations have started using social media as part of their marketing, service or corporate communications, or for their PR.

Many scholars, gurus...