Vincent Harris

Vincent Harris

Vincent Harris is a political strategist and the CEO of Harris Media, an online communications firm based in Austin, Texas whose clients include Sarah Palin, Rand Paul and Benjamin Netanyahu. Harris has lead online communications in political campaigns of US senators such as Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. In 2015 Harris was appointed head of the re-election campaign for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Harris' work has been featured in publications such as The Weekly Standard and the Washington Post. His commentary on online media has appeared in CNN, Politico, the Washington Post and ABC News.

The father of the Republican internet on Trump, Twitter and the pitfalls of online echo chambers

Dubbed "The Man Who Invented the Republican Internet”, Vincent Harries is a prominent exponent of digital political communications, advising everyone from Rand Paul to Benjamin Netenyahu on how to target voters online.
