Tesco is pleased to announce that Christine Heffernan will join their executive committee as group communications director and will replace Jane Lawrie.
Heffernan has most recently worked as executive director to group CEO Dave Lewis. Prior to that...
Corinna Tinkler will take over corporate communications at Verbund AG.
She comes from the food giant REWE International where she was director of coporate communications dealing with brand management and communications management,...
An annus horribilis. That’s the most accurate way to describe 2018’s cavalcade of stories of individuals and institutions whose questionable actions or blatant disregard for right and wrong vitiated organisational values.
As strategic communications...
In an ever changing world, setting up and executing a communication project can be a daunting task.
(Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash)
Audience expectations shift, attention spans decrease, information flows in endless news feeds and new tools...
Are you or do you know a communications proefessional aged 35 or under?
Millennials will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025 (source: Deloitte) and represent the next generation of innovative leaders and decision-makers. The...