Across the world, across sectors and across disciplines: Inge Wallage spreads the word
As a consequence of various societal changes, the landscape of the communications profession is changing rapidly.
How prepared are we to adapt to these developments? Are we challenged to redefine the purpose of our function? Inge Wallage, Director of Communications and Engagement at the International Water Association (IWA), discussed these and other questions at this year’s European Communication Summit: our roving reporter managed to track her down to ask her a couple of questions about insight-driven communications and her work at the IWA. (p.s. her last three words are “global water discourse” – we’ve been unable to downplay the background noise: that’s the perils of on-site interviews!)
You can read more about Inge’s insights into communications, water innovation and sustainability in her blog here. Find out more about the work of the International Water Association here.
This interview was filmed at the European Communication Summit 2015, held in Brussels on June 25 and 26. The Summit is the largest gathering of in-house communication professionals in Europe, and is organised by the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD: and Communication Director.