The latest issue of Communication Director, the quarterly magazine devoted to corporate communications, PR and public affairs, is out now.
The cover's Issue Focus takes on the topic of Corporate Citizenship, with authors including senior communications leaders and expert consultants providing their own definitions of this phenomenon, which has taken on new urgency with the call for Purpose to be integrated n to corporate strategy.
Other sections in the magazine look at populism as a political and communications strategy, with an in-depth analysis of the controversy following the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa last year, as well as an overview of how populism functions as a political strategy in the run up to this year’s European Parliament elections.
We also look at how data drives employee engagement as well as the integration of corporate responsibility in corporate strategy. Other articles cover Change and Collaboration, gender pay gap reporting, and new trends in brand management.
The print edition also includes our regular book reviews, Facts & Figures, Agenda Setter and more. Onine articles are available here.