Staying in touch

Connecting with your user base worldwide relies on natural, word-of-mouth chain reactions

The lines between marketing and public relations have always been heavily debated. Some see PR as a fundamental part of the marketing function, others see it as a separate operational function that is on a par with marketing. Whichever side you’re on – the co-existence of PR and marketing obliges both disciplines to work together and, by doing so, work as one. Over the last two years, Skype has emerged as an internet phenomenon and is now possibly the fastest growing internet communications company ever. Today, Skype software has been downloaded more than half a billion times and over 246 million people from almost every corner of the globe have registered to use it. Communications has played a key role in Skype’s success. And there have been some surprises along the way. In sharing the essence of the Skype PR and marketing story, we hope to demonstrate the symbiotic relationship that marketing and PR can have and, in many cases, should have.

Imogen Bailey

Imogen Bailey started her career in technology Public Relations at A Plus (now part of the Brodeur Group). Subsequently, she went on to spend a number of years working in-house for Unisys, StrataCom and Cisco. At Cisco, she managed executive communications across the Europe Middle-East and Africa region. After leaving Cisco, she joined Edelman Public Relations as its European director of technology. Five years later, she moved on to join Skype as its head of global public relations and communications.