So what's the deal with data?
The world has seen an explosion of data collection.
The world has seen an explosion of data collection.
Our world is changing – and so are we. Almost everything today is becoming digital, and that includes not only the way we communicate but also our behaviour as human beings.
In January this year, Deutsche Bank celebrated a premiere: when we published the Bank’s results for the full year 2014, we broadcast a video statement by our co-CEOs for the first tim
The digital world today is one of radical overabundance: of devices, cloud services, apps and data. In fact, the amount of data accessed by each person is expected to reach a staggering 5,247 gigabytes by 2020.
In your job as digital prophet, where do you look for new trends and how do you choose which ones to champion?
In the wake of the Snowden revelations, the EU’s new data protection reforms will be the source of scrutiny, not least by communication professionals.'s director of international communications on Baidu’s embrace of international markets, China’s digital landscape, censorship and more.
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In 1984 computer scientist and “geek” Richard M.
"Communicators will increasingly become technologists”: this succint summation of the future trajectory of corporate communications is by Jen Prosek, head of US corporate firm Prosek Partners.
Apps have shaped the way people experience the internet.