Modern day slavery
In whatever form it takes, the scourge of slavery remains tangled in the supply chains of too many industries.
In whatever form it takes, the scourge of slavery remains tangled in the supply chains of too many industries.
Nicholas Ashooh (@Nick_Ashooh), senior director of corporate and executive communication at APCO Worldwide, sits on the jury of the North-American Excellence
Not many people can claim to be a chief data officer and a practicing neurosurgeon.
When Anne Glover was appointed as the first chief scientific adviser to the European Commission in 2011, her role soon caused controversy characterised by mistrust between critics and supporters of the role.
Throughout her career, Gabriele Zedlmayer has been a passionate advocate for corporate citizenship and sustainability, most recently as vice president and chief progress officer, corporate affairs at Hewlett Packard Enterprises.
Jim Wilkinson explains why the Alibaba Group has a front-row seat on China’s vital changes and how he is helping Alibaba achieve its global goals.
Frederik G. Pferdt, head of innovation and creativity programs at Google, shares his insights into the values and practices that reinforce the company’s thriving culture of experimentation.
Fadi el Abdallah, spokesperson and head of the public affairs at the International Criminal Court, shares his take on the court’s sometimes controversial mission, vision and values.
Itay Talgam explores organisational behaviour and inspired leadership through the prism of the symphony orchestra and asks: what can the baton teach business about communicating leadership?
Interview by David Phillips
Whether talking about the Higgs Boson particle, dark matter or artificial intelligence, storytelling, demystification and stakeholder relations play their part in complex science communications.