Reporting the SDGs: how to get it right
The 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals goals set out to solve the greatest economic, environmental and social challenges of our world by the year 2030.
The 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals goals set out to solve the greatest economic, environmental and social challenges of our world by the year 2030.
Today, the business community and society as a whole are challenged by the palpable rise of populism – fed by fears and frustrations over inequalities, disadvantage, mistrust of elites and their seeming lack of action on the issues that matter.
The collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008 turned what was until then a US financial crisis into a full-blown global meltdown that would later be referred to as the “global financial crisis” or more dramatically as th
Communication and marketing at Tieto have a key role in driving growth for the company; members of the communication team are active ambassadors for change and corporate culture.
Iceland has been getting a lot of attention lately - partly because of its increasing popularity as a travel destination and also because of recent tumultuous economic, political and geological events (remember the eruption that grounded European
It seems we as communication practitioners are not necessarily the only people – or indeed the right people – to respond to a communication challenge.
Open any agency website, communications magazine, or sit through any conference, pitch or awards ceremony, and a word that appears again and again is ‘storytelling’.
According to recent research1, those organisations most capable of engaging their employees have four times higher earnings per share, higher customer engagement, lower absenteeism, and 21 per cent higher profitability than those that d
According to Eurostat, across the EU women earn on average around 16 per cent less than their male counterparts.
Corporate responsibility (CR) has come a long way.