Today's corporate affairs director, tomorrow's CEO?
Today’s chief executives are increasingly difficult to categorise.
Today’s chief executives are increasingly difficult to categorise.
Most large organisations place great importance on customer and client satisfaction. While this is undoubtedly of primary importance, executives also need to consider the demands of internal stakeholders.
One of the most basic findings in corporate communications research and practice is that communicators need to work closely with top executives to achieve excellence.
Not many people can claim to be a chief data officer and a practicing neurosurgeon.
The Edelman Trust Barometer, now in its 16th year, asks respondents how much they trust the institutions of government, business, nongovernmental organisations and media to do what is right.
Daan Smolders is part of the team behind the EU Monitor, a tool that keeps stakeholders up to date with European legislation.
A few weeks ago, we gathered in Brussels for a short session on Design Thinking Innovation and how might we apply it to challenges that we as communicators face.
Organisations are increasingly using audiovisual media for their crisis communications. The public not only learns about crises through newspaper articles, but also through corporate videos, interviews and press conferences.
My favourite fictional public relations practitioner, the vile Malcolm Tucker of The Thick of It (2005–2012), was voted only the seco
We communication specialists think we know all about presentation skills, stakeholder maps, inter-cultural communication do’s and don’ts and creating great communication plans for each project that comes our way.